Craven County Digital History Exhibit

1893 Business Directory, Pt 6

Bibliographical Information:
Business Directory of the City of New Berne, N.C.: To Which is Added Historical and Statistical Matter of Interest (Raleigh, N.C.: Edwards and Broughton, 1893), 91 p.
One of New Bern's earlier city directories, this volume includes detailed information about the city's businesses and citizens. With the absence of the 1890 federal census, this book constitutes the largest printed listing of the residents of New Bern for that period.

Due to the number of images, this directory has been divided into several web pages. This page contains Advertisements [Pages 61-70].

Other sections in this directory:

Font matter, Title Page and Editor's Notes [Pages 1 (Front Cover)-10]

Historical and Statistical Matter [Pages 11-29]

Advertisements [Pages 30-36]

Directory, Last Names Beginning A-J [Pages 37-48]

Directory, Last Names Beginning K-Y [Pages 49-60]

Advertisements [Pages 61-70]--This page

Classified Directory [Pages 71-77]

Advertisements [Pages 78-92 (Back Cover)]

[Page 61]

Newbern Collegiate Institute

Newbern, N.C.

J.D. Hodges, A.M., Principal. Instructor in Higher English and the Classics.

Miss Hattie Dail, Instructor in Higher Mathematics.

Rev. T.H. Posey, Instructor in Intermediate English.

Mrs. A.B. Ferrebee, Instructor in Primary Department.

Dr. I. Kaiser, Instructor in Vocal Music and German.

Miss Nellie Walker, Instructor in Instrumental Music.

Rev. A.E. Elvin, Instructor in Commercial Branches.

Tuition from $1.00 to $3.50 per month...

...Board from $8.00 to $10.00 per month.

Fund for aid of Indigent  Young Men and Women.


C.J. Scheelky

Architect and Builder

Lumber and Planing Mill.

Estimates furnished and bids made.

Satisfactory work done

Prices reasonable

Call on or address C.J. Scheelky, Lock Box 481, Atmore St., New Bern, N.C.

[Page 62]

Norfolk, Newbern and Washington Direct Line.

Tri-Weekly Trips.

In order to make more convenient and economical use of the vessels now employed in North Carolina service, and thus to BETTER SERVE THE INTERESTS OF SHIPPERS, the Clyde Line and the Old Dominion Steamship Company have concluded to merge their respective lines between Newbern, N.C., and Norfolk, Va., into one line, thus giving passengers and truck shippers three trips each week between Newbern and Norfolk via Washington.

No Advance in Rates

On and after Monday, October 16, 1893, until further notice, the Steamer NEWBERNE, Capt. Southgate, and Steamer DEFIANCE, Capt. Burgess, Will sail from Norfolk, Va., for Newberne every Monday and Thursday direct, and Wednesday via Washington, making connections with the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad at Newberne and the Water Lines on Neuse and Trent Rivers.

Returning, will sail from Newberne for Norfolk, via Roanoke Island Wharf, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 12 M., making connection at Norfolk with the Old Bay Line for Baltimore, the Clyde Line for Philadelphia, the Old Dominion Steamship for New York, the Merchants and Miners' Line for Providence and Boston, and the Water Lines for Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Va., thus giving an all water route to all Northern and Eastern points.

Also connection made with the C. & O. R. R., B. & O. R. R., and N. & W. R. R. for the West.

Passengers will find a good table, comfortable rooms, and every courtesy and attention will be paid them by the officers.

Order all goods, care of N. N. & W. Direct Line, Norfolk, Va.

Ralph Gray, Agent.

[Page 63]

The Mechanics and Investors' Union are prepared to make loans on Real Estate Security for eight years time in any town in which a branch can be organized.

The Borrower will be insured for the full amount, and in case of his death the loan will be paid by the insurance.

Certificates of stock, with Combined Insurance Policy, are issued to parties between the ages of 15 and 65, payable in about eight years, base upon small fixed monthly payments, and forming one of the safest and most profitable investments.

For particulars write to the Merchants and Investors' Union.

George Allen, Secretary, Raleigh, N.C.

Agents Wanted.


C.E. Nelson

Dealer in Beef, Pork, Sausage, Veal, Mutton. Chicago Beef in Season.

Orders Promptly filled and delivered to any part of the City.

No. 67 Broad Street, New Berne, N.C.

[Page 64]

The National Bank of New Berne, N.C.

Jas. A. Bryan, President.

Thos. Daniels, Vice-President.

G.H. Roberts, Cashier.

Incorporated 1865.

Capital Stock, $100,000.     Surplus Profits, $90,000.


Jas. A. Bryan.     J.H. Hackburn.     Thos. Daniels.

G.H. Roberts.     Chas. S. Bryan.     L. Harvey.

John Dunn.


C.T. Watson, Commission Merchant,

Dealer in Fresh and Salt Fish, Turtles, Oysters, Terrapins, Corn, Peas, Potatoes, Eggs & Furs.

Market Dock, New Berne and Morehead City, N.C.

Consignments respectfully solicited and promptly attended to.

Shipping orders...Carefully Put Up.

[Page 65]

Daily and Weekly Journal, New Berne, North Carolina.

Daily, .....$5.00 per Year.

Weekly,.....1.00 per Year.

The above rates are payable in advance.

Published in the centre of the great trucking region of North Carolina.

Circulates extensively in all the adjoining counties, and has correspondents from various points to chronicle all events of importance.

Sample Copy Free!


[Page 66]

W.D. Barrington's

Is the place to buy Nice Clothing

Shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods.

Sole Agent for Crossett's Men's Fine Shoes.

Ziegler's Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes.

And Special Drives in all Goods in my line.

I positively guarantee satisfaction in every respect.


L.H. Cutler.     B.B. Neal.

L.H. Cutler & Co.,


Sash, Doors, Blinds and Agricultural Implements

Middle Street, New Berne, N.C.

[Page 67]

Dr. G.K. Bagby

Surgeon Dentist, Office, No. 95 Middle St., Newbern, N.C.

Patentee and Manufacturer of the "Bagby Dental Articulation Cup."


Isaac H. Smith

Real Estate Agent Building and Loan

Office and Place of Business, 130 Middle St.

Residence, 47 Johnson St.

Loans and Discounts

If you wish to Borrow or Invest Money call on him.


Charles R. Thomas,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law

Office, Stanly Building, Craven Street, near Pollock, New Berne, N.C.

Practices in State and Federal Courts.


E.B. Ellis

Dealer in anthracite and bituminous Coal

Naval Stores and Shingles.

No. 29 South Front Street, Union Point.

[Page 68]

K.R. Jones

Wholesale and Retail dealer in General Merchandise.

P.O. Box 499.

64 Middle Street, New Berne, N.C.


The Clark Company,

Box L, New Berne, N.C.

Shirt and Pants Makers for Wholesale and Retail Trade.

Correspondence invited from out-of-town buyers.

Prices and Workmanship Guaranteed.


G.H. Waters & Son,

No. 78 Broad St., near the Railroad.

Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, and Carts.

All Kinds of Riding Vehicles.

General Blacksmithing and Repairing.


E.W. Bryan,

Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Ale, Beer, Cigars, &c.

Finest Goods kept in stock and every effort made to please the trade.

Cor. South Front and Craven Sts., New Berne, N.C.

[Page 69]

J.H. Hackburn

Wholesale Grocer and Provision Merchant,

No. 171 Broad Street.


Geo. N. Ives & Son., Packers of Fish and Oysters.

Fresh and Salt Fish of all kinds in season, carefully packed and shipped to all parts of the country.

Shippers of the famous New River and North River Oysters.

Packing Houses: New-Berne. Morehead City. Beaufort.

Branch House: Raleigh, N.C.


J.R. Parker, Jr., (Successor to Churchill & Parker.)

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Family Groceries and Provisions.

Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded.

Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce.

Commodious Stable Accommodations Free.

No. 77 Broad Street.

[Page 70]


Connects with the E. C. D. Line of Steamers at New Bern for all points North, these steamers connecting with the Norfolk Southern Railroad, the N. Y., P. & N. R. R., and Pennsylvania Railroad.

Connects also with Bay Line of Steamers at Norfolk, and with the “Norfolk, New Bern and Wash­ington (N. C.) Direct Line” of Steamers for Norfolk, connecting with “Clyde” Line for Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the “Old Dominion” Line for New York.

Connects at Goldsboro and Kinston with Atlantic Coast Line for all points South, and for Northern, Eastern and New England cities.

Connects with Richmond & Danville Railroad at Goldsboro for all points North, East, South and West.

Connects with the Wilmington, New Bern & Norfolk Railroad at New Bern for all points on their line and connections.

Through Tickets and Through Bills Lading.

S. L. DILL, Sup’t,        W. S. CHADWICK, Pres’t.

New Bern, N. C.

Previous Page: Directory, Last Names Beginning K-Y [Pages 49-60]

Next Page: Classified Directory [Pages 71-77]

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Images scanned by Dean Knight.
Text prepared by Victor T. Jones, Jr.

This page last edited on June 9, 2015.