Craven County Digital History Exhibit

1893 Business Directory, Pt 3

Bibliographical Information:
Business Directory of the City of New Berne, N.C.: To Which is Added Historical and Statistical Matter of Interest (Raleigh, N.C.: Edwards and Broughton, 1893), 91 p.
One of New Bern's earlier city directories, this volume includes detailed information about the city's businesses and citizens. With the absence of the 1890 federal census, this book constitutes the largest printed listing of the residents of New Bern for that period.

Due to the number of images, this directory has been divided into several web pages. This section contains Advertisements [Pages 30-36].

Other sections of this directory:

Font matter, Title Page and Editor's Notes [Pages 1 (Front Cover)-10]

Historical and Statistical Matter [Pages 11-29]

Advertisements [Pages 30-36]--This page

Directory, Last Names Beginning A-J [Pages 37-48]

Directory, Last Names Beginning K-Y [Pages 49-60]

Advertisements [Pages 61-70]

Classified Directory [Pages 71-77]

Advertisements [Pages 78-92 (Back Cover)]

[Page 30]

Hotel Albert,

A Modern Hotel at Reasonable Rates.

Middle Street.

Centre of the Business Portion of the City.

Cuisine Unsurpassed.    Commercial Rates, $2 per day.

M. Patterson & Son,


[Page 31]

W. Dunn, President.     James Redmond, Vice-President.

Benj. S. Guion, Secretary and Treasurer.

New Berne Ice Co.,

Manufacturers of

Pure Crystal Ice,

New Berne, N.C.

Output, twenty tons daily of Pure Crystal Ice from distilled water.

Orders for car-load lots solicited, and filled promptly.

Ice delivered by wagons in any part of the city.

Benj. S. Guion, Manager.

[Page 32]

Watson & Daniels,

Dealers in

Coal and Ice.

Country Produce Generally.

45 Middle Street.


W.J. Lucas     W.L. Lewis

Lucas & Lewis,

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

Choice Family Groceries

and Farmers' Supplies.

Highest Prices Paid for Country Produce.

Proprietors of the "City Bakery."

Nos. 60 Middle and 89 and 91 South Front Streets.

[Page 33]

The Wilmington, New Bern and Norfolk Railway

The only Direct Line between

Wilmington and Newbern.

Two Daily Passenger Trains, First-class Service, only three and one-half hours between the two cities.

Double Daily Freight Service, Only four and one-half hours in transit.

Connects at Newbern with Boat Lines, and with the A. & N.C.R.R. for all Northern and Western points, and at Wilmington with the different lines for the South.

Through Tickets and Through Bills Lading. Freight handled with dispatch.

For information, address

H.A. Whiting, Gen. Manager.     J.W. Martenis, G.F. and P.A. Wilmington, N.C.

John S. Manix, Agent, Newbern, N.C.     T.C. McIlhenny, Jr., Agent, Wilmington, N.C.


[Page 34]

E.H. and J.A. Meadows Co.,

Manufacturers of Meadows' Special Guanos

Factory, Union Point

Office 27 S. Front St.

Leading Brands:

Meadows' Great Potato Guano.....Meadows' 10% Ammoniated Guano

Meadows' Cabbage Guano.....Meadows' Pea and Bean Guano

Meadows' All Crop Guano.....Meadows' Cotton Guano

Meadows' Tobacco Guano


F.A. Boyer     T.J. Boyer

Boyer Bros.


for drilling

Oil, Gas or Artesian Wells.

Perfect Machinery for Drilling Wells and Furnishing Pipe 4½ to 12 inches in diameter and from 100 to 2,000 feed deep.

Reference: The city authorities of New Berne, N.C., and Fostoria, Ohio.

Residence, Hotel Albert.

[Page 35]

The Great American Bankrupt Dealer

Desires Correspondence with all defunct merchants who cannot meet their bills, and desire to close out to Big Ike at 40c., 50c., or 67½c. on the dollar, thereby saving the expense of Lawyer's fee and assignee.

New Berne, N.C.

[Page 36]

F.M. Chadwick

Merchant Tailor.

Full line of Cheviots, Serges, Diagonals, Worsteds, &c., &c. for all seasons

Prompt attention to orders and satisfaction guaranteed.

43 Pollock St., Near Post-Office.



Farmers and Merchants Bank,

New Bern, N.C.

Capital Paid In,.....$75,000

Dividends Paid,.....8,250

Surplus and Profits,.....7,400


L.H. Cutler, President     W.S. Chadwick, Vice-President

T.W. Dewey, Cashier     A.H. Powell, Teller.

C.E. Smith, Collector.


L.H. Cutler,     Jno. Suter,     P.H. Pelletier,

E.B. Hackburn,     W.S. Chadwick,     J.W. Stewart,

N.M. Jurney,     Wm. Cleve,     T.W. Dewey.

With well established connections, this Bank is prepared to offer all accomodations consistent with conservative banking.

Previous Page: Historical and Statistical Matter [Pages 11-29]

Next Page: Directory, Last Names Beginning A-J [Pages 37-48]

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Images scanned by Dean Knight.
Text prepared by Victor T. Jones, Jr.

This page last edited on Jun 9, 2015.