New Bern-Craven County
Public Library

a member of the Craven-Pamlico Regional Library System

Salem Press Online

Salem Press offers access to its print titles owned by the CP Regional Library. Access to those titles can be found at:

(Search box only works inside a CP Library)

To access click the link above. Enter your Library Card Number and your PIN, then click Log In. You should arrive at the Library's Online Collection of Salem Press and Grey House Publishing titles.

You may register to create an account. As a registered user, you may Save Articles & Take Notes, Save Citations, and Save Searches.

Titles included in CPRL's online access are:

American Book of Days
American Reformers (2nd edition)
Civil Disobedience, Social Justice, Nationalism & Populism, Violent
Critical Survey of American Literature
Demonstrations and Race Relations

Countries, Peoples, and Cultures (series of 9 titles)
Encyclopedia of African American Writing (3rd edition)
Encyclopedia of Global Warming

Encyclopedia of the United States Cabinet (3rd edition)
Famous First Facts
Famous First Facts about American Politics
Forensic Science
Gun Debate
Human Rights and the United States (3d edition)
Introduction to Literary Context: American Short Fiction
Magill's Medical Guide (8th edition)
Masterplots (4th edition)
Masterplots Supplement, 2010-2018
Musicians and Composers of the Twentieth Century
Nobel Prize Winners (series of 5 titles)
Opinions throughout History: The Death Penalty
Opinions throughout History: Drug Use and Abuse
Opinions throughout History: National Security vs. Civil and Private Rights
Opinions throughout History: Social Media Issues
Pandemics: The Invisible Enemy
Principles of Biology
Principles of Chemistry
Principles of Physical Science
Privacy Rights in the Digital Age
Psychology and Mental Health
Salem Health: Cancer (revised edition)
Salem Health: Infectious Diseases & Conditions

Salem Health: Women's Health
The Solar System
Speeches of American Presidents, 1789-2018 (3d edition)
Treaties in the News
The Value of a Dollar, 1860-2019

Great Lives from History
The Ancient World,
The Middle Ages, and
The Renaissance & Early Modern Era
The Reference Shelf 2017
Guns in America
Internet Abuses and Privacy Rights
LBGTQ in the 21st Century
Prescription Drug Abuse
National Debate Topic: Education Reform
Representative American Speeches, 2015-2016
Representative American Speeches, 2016-2017
The Reference Shelf 2018
The South China Sea
Artificial Intelligence
Alternative Facts, Post-Truth, and the Information War
National Debate Topic: Immigration
The American Dream
Representative American Speeches, 2017-2018
The Reference Shelf 2019
The Two Koreas
Affordable Housing
Democracy Evolving
National Debate Topic: Arms Sales
New Frontiers in Space
Representative American Speeches, 2018-2019
The Reference Shelf 2020
Hate Crimes
Propaganda and Misinformation
National Debate Topic: Criminal Justice Reform
Internet Law
This is Who We Were Series
Colonial America, 1492-1775
In the 1900s
In the 1910s
In the 1920s
A Companion to the 1940 Census (In the 1930s)
In the 1940s
In the 1950s
In the 1960s
In the 1970s
In the 1980s
In the 1990s
In the 2000s
In the 2010s

URL for this page is
December 2, 2020.