Craven County Digital History Exhibit

Bourdelais School of Music, Page 10


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Musical History Continued
have contributed their skill and invention to the development of the Art of Music as to know of the History and development of his country.

The Musical Science department while almost indispensable for the beginner in learning notation, time, ear-training, sight reading, hand formation, special physical exercises for promoting health and developing the muscles used in playing are of great value to advanced students whose foundation has been insecurely laid.

The operatic world is looking for singers who can act. The audience in a parlor or theatre will rightly demand that when players or singers come upon the platform, nervousness shall be hidden and that certain repose which denotes the artist shall be over the hearing, the singing and playing. To those desiring a complete course of training in stage deportment and acting, special instruction may be had.

LANGUAGES. German and French.

In connection with "School of Music" an up to date "Music Store" carrying a complete line of Sheet Music, Music Books, Text Books and Music supplies. Mail orders solicited from out of town pupils and teachers. An experienced teacher is in charge of this department and selection can therefore be carefully assured.

For out of town students suitable boarding places will be procured at a nominal price.

Rates on application to Director.


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Images scanned by John B. Green, III.  Text prepared by Victor T. Jones, Jr.
This page last edited on 21 Aug 18.

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